better sex guide
How to have better sex with your fuck buddy
Having a fuck buddy is, frankly, just the best. You have sex on tap, you don’t have any of the usual strings attached that comes with it, and you have the freedom to carry out the rest of your life without the sex part interfering with it. Finding a fuck buddy can really be a game changer. One other benefit about sleeping with a “friend with benefits” rather than sleeping with someone in a more standard relationship is that you both pay attention to the sex. As that is the primary focus, you can go on a journey together to make sure that the sex that you are having is the best sex that you...
How to last longer in bed for men
When it comes to sex, pretty much everyone would benefit from having more of it. Many people are raised thinking that men want sex more than women do. This is simply not the case. Men and women both desire sex just as equally, and in fact, I would argue that women actually have the capacity to develop a desire and drive for sex far more compelling than any men. Why you ask? Of all the men I have spoken to on the subject, I have never had a man tell me that they found themselves left uncontrollable shaking and moaning on the bed following sex, unable to think or understand where they are or...
How to have better sex this 2021
Welcome to the fuck buddy website in August, a great month to meet someone to have no strings attached sex with. August generally sees a good amount of new members join the website, and despite (or perhaps because of!) recent global events pursuant to the coronavirus pandemic, this month has seen a really good amount of joiners. If you are looking for a fuck buddy, you have come to the right place. Once you have your fuck buddy you might want to start thinking about having better sex. To assist with that, here are my top tips on how to have better sex this August.
Edging for both you and your fuck buddy
Sex is amazing. We all know this. It is one of the reasons that having a fuck buddy is such a good thing. Having a life with sex in it, is a great way to just up your overall happiness game. Having a fuck buddy is a way to guarantee sex in your life without all the nonsense that comes with a formal relationship at a time in your life when you do not want it. What you want will change over time of course, but at this time, if you want the sex without the strings attached, then a fuck buddy is the way forward.
So you have your fuck buddy and the sex is good. Want to make it even...
How to have angry sex, and why it is great
Sex is amazing. It comes in all sorts of different flavours. You can have fast sex and slow sex, soft sex and rough sex, sex where you make love to the other person and sex where you are just fucking their brains out. The best sex is also driven by emotion. Usually these emotions include a lot of lust mixed in with desire and some frustration (that you are seeking to release). The one type of sex that people rarely have is angry sex. Angry sex can be great, but it must be done in the right way. In this article, I am going to tell you why angry sex can be amazing and help you with some...
Found a fuck buddy? Top tips to have better sex
Sex is amazing and we should all be having more of it! I honestly think that the secret to world peace may lie in the everyone getting laid more. If we all were having more sex, everyone would be happier, we would be less aggressive and less easy to anger, we would be able to take troubles and failures in other parts of our lives more easily as we were winning in our sex lives. A healthy, and regular, sex life is really important to a healthy and happy relationship. A good way to ensure that is to have a fuck buddy.
The nice thing about a no strings attached relationship is that it...
Found a fuck buddy? Five top tips to have better sex
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you find the fuck buddy that is already out there seeking you! All we do is help you meet up, from there nature will take its course and before you know it you will be having to budget separately for condoms to ensure that you can afford them and still pay the rent!
So you have found your fuck buddy. Here are some tops tips for men on how to have better sex with them.
Talk about sex, a lot
There are moments when we might find ourselves trying to communicate the most subtle and intricate of instructions, but we...
Have better sex, tonight!
So you have done all the right things, and you are about to have sex, tonight! You logged on to the website, spent a little effort on your profile, messaged a bunch of people, chatted a little to the ones that came back to decide who you wanted to meet up, and tonight you are getting laid!
Congratulations for being proactive and taking action. It does not take a lot of effort to have sex, but it is surprising the number of people that don’t use the modern day tools that are offered to them to help them find that fuck buddy they have been looking for. This is clearly not you however,...
Sports are sexy – so do it for better sex
We all want to be having amazing sex. We want to meet someone with whom we have mind blowing, reality altering world shattering sex. We want for it to be so good, that it becomes all consuming, that everything in the world fades in comparison to the extasy that it seems to bring to our minds and bodies. So how do we make sure that we can have such an amazing experience each time we get laid? Well it starts with the body.
The body is the major tool and the medium
The body is the main tool for sex. We have sex with our bodies, using our physical form. If you...
Soundtrack your sex
Having great sex is about more than just the actual act of having sex. Let us say for a moment that it is a given that you are going to get laid and do the actual act of having “the sex”. If you are a man you are going to put your penis inside someone else, and if you are a woman you are going to have something put inside you (most likely a penis – but we don’t like to judge here at f-buddy. As long as your aim is to have great sex and show the other person a good time you are welcome here!). So the physical side of this is guaranteed... so if it is on the cards and all sorted, why bother...