Welcome to the fuck buddy website in August, a great month to meet someone to have no strings attached sex with. August generally sees a good amount of new members join the website, and despite (or perhaps because of!) recent global events pursuant to the coronavirus pandemic, this month has seen a really good amount of joiners. If you are looking for a fuck buddy, you have come to the right place. Once you have your fuck buddy you might want to start thinking about having better sex. To assist with that, here are my top tips on how to have better sex this August.
Telling your fuck buddy what you do, and do not, like in bed is key to great sex. No one is a mind reader, so simply telling them is the best way to get the most out of them in bed. The nice thing about having a fuck buddy and adult dating in general is that you are both there for the sex, which means that you can be really honest about it and no one minds. I would urge you to take advantage of that!
Mix things up
IF you have been having sex with the same partner for a while, mix things up! Even small changes can make big differences. Do more foreplay, change your positions, if you are usually on top go on bottom. Any change will refresh the sex as it differentiates it from previous sessions. You can never be too creative, so go for it. For the more adventurous, we always suggest putting a safe word in place, just in case.
Consider lubricant
If you have never used lubricant, or you are not using it now, consider using it! Yes of course the body naturally produces lubricant, but we humans are a clever bunch, constantly finding ways to improve the body’s natural way of working. Lubricant is a great addition to any sex session, and is good for both men and women. Note that a water based lubricant is best if you are using condoms. Silicone based lubricants are also great, especially for annal sex, but should be used in light of the protection that you are currently using.
Have more sex
It is a self-fulfilling prophecy this. The more sex you have with any particular fuck buddy, the better the sex will become. Learning to pleasure someone is like learning to play an instrument, practice makes perfect! So have lots of it!
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