Sex is amazing and we should all be having more of it! I honestly think that the secret to world peace may lie in the everyone getting laid more. If we all were having more sex, everyone would be happier, we would be less aggressive and less easy to anger, we would be able to take troubles and failures in other parts of our lives more easily as we were winning in our sex lives. A healthy, and regular, sex life is really important to a healthy and happy relationship. A good way to ensure that is to have a fuck buddy.
The nice thing about a no strings attached relationship is that it is all the benefits of the sex without any of the stress and hassles that come with the relationship part. This means that you can have all the joy and happiness from the sex, and you have taken out all the arguments and conflict that can bring you right back down to being unhappy again. A no strings attached relationship can be a wonderful thing. When you finding a fuck buddy you are giving that gift to them as much as to yourself, so it is something that is well worth doing!
Once you have found your fuck buddy, you are then having lots of sex. You have the quantity sorted out, now it is time to look at quality. How can you make your sex life better? Think about utilising these top tips for a better sex life.
Give compliments
There is nothing that makes someone feel more desired than having someone tell you that they desire you. It works for men, it works for women. They have to believe you for this to work, so the best compliments are the real ones, where you can honestly say that something turns you on. So if there is something that does turn you on, say it! If nothing springs to mind, a good go to is to compliment how someone looks… but root it in truth for maximum effect.
Use available technology to turn them on before the sex
We all now carry phones, laptops and tablets… which means you have access to easy communication. Those compliments I was just talking about? Send them in advance. Tell the person why you like them, what makes them sexy, and what you plan on doing about it later on in the day. You can even use scheduled text messages to set the whole thing up in advance and the messages will send throughout the day automatically!
Abstain, not a lot, but a little
It has been proven than not having sex for a while can help to build up to a greater explosion of pleasure. So consider abstaining a little. Not loads, just a little is enough.
Go forth, grab your fuck buddy and have amazing sex! You both deserve it!
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