getting laid
How long do you wait before texting a fuck buddy?
Finding a fuck buddy is a process. That process can sometimes be really quick. Maybe you are out for the night, you see someone you like, you go over and it is instant chemistry! Bam – you both head back together to yours/theirs and you have a great night together. The next day you roll over and you still like what you see, and they do as well, so you exchange numbers and before you know it you have a fuck buddy on speed dial! It can happen like that. For a lot of people though, it does not happen as easily as this. For most people there is a bit of a process that has to take place on the...
Summer is the easiest time to get laid
The sun is shining, the days are warm, summer is here! Summer brings with it a whole load of advantages with it. The days are longer so you can get a lot more done. The evenings bring time to relax with a cold drink and some good friends outside. Everyone wants to move that little bit slower, so everyone wants to relax and just enjoy themselves that little bit more. When it comes to sex, everything gets easier in the summer… including how difficult it is to get laid.
The heat reduces the amount of clothes that everyone is wearing. This has a twofold effect. Firstly, everyone is that...
Alter your job title to find a fuck buddy
When we are first looking for a fuck buddy online, there are certain keys things that stick out and make you more or less likely to get contacted and screwed... and by screwed I mean in a good way not a bad one! The way that you look is the first thing that people will look at, and potentially the only thing that people will look at, especially if you are a girl. If you are a good looking girl with large boobs and an hour glass curvy figure, then it is quite likely that all you need to land a fuck buddy or a quick hook up, is to show that off in a couple of profile pics. The rest will do...
Is being a student all about having sex?
At the point that we finished with our main schooling, we have a choice of going on to do further education, higher education, or going out into the real world and getting a job. In modern life, if we are purely looking at the economics of the choice, and by that I mean the money, it makes no sense to go to university or college and makes total sense to go out there and get a job. The reason for this is losing a minimum of three years of income whilst paying out for those 3 years, really pays itself off in the following decade. Most students come into the real world with a minimum of £30,...
Being negative is unlikely to get you laid
Whether you are meeting someone for the first time because you bumped into them in a street, you are at a work thing, or you are meeting a new potential fuck buddy for a drink, everyone sexually evaluates each other all the time. We can’t help it, we are wired to check! If you meet someone and you think you would sleep with them based on how they look, you know it before the first word is spoken. You also know it if you would *not* ever sleep with them immediately! In fact, being physically ugly or repulsive in some way can really affect your life from how you are treated at bus stops...
The art of moving on: Your ex girlfriend lied
Whether we want to or not, eventually if we are sleeping with someone, we will become to have feelings for them and attachments. Having sex was traditionally called “being intimate” – and being intimate with someone develops exactly that, it grows intimacy. You begin to come together as people, and as that closeness grows there are many positive things that come from it. You begin to care about each other, you begin to make efforts to be nicer to each other, you get to know each other more and more – and from that everything gets better. The way you are with each other, the way you joke...
Using plausible deniability to ask her back to yours
If a date is going well, both parties desire sex at the end of it. I want to be clear here, that is not to say that sex will definitely happen, only that it is what both people on the date actually want. So if you doubt that the person sitting opposite you wants to sleep with you, put all that doubt aside and know that it is the case. In many ways this is the only attitude that can serve you. If they don’t want to sleep with you then this is going nowhere anyway, if they do want to sleep with you then there is potential and it is possible that it is all good in the hood. If you act under...
Why the 3rd date sex is Prime time... and how to accelerate that to 1 date
Everyone knows that the third date is when you get it on. It has been a long enough time that you have had a chance to get to know each other a little, but not so long that there is going to be massive pressure on the sex, nor are you pot committed to the relationship so if you turn out to be sexually incompatible there is no bad feeling for never seeing each other again after that date is over. The third date is the perfect time for many people. It is socially acceptable so there is no chance of anyone feeling like a “slut” or getting any social backlash from anyone else around them as to...
Set sex goals to make them happen
We all have goals and drives in life – things that we want to do! Some of those things are childhood fancies that naturally get dropped with the passing of time, for example the classic “when I grow up I want to be an astronaut”. How many of us said that? Well the reality is that many of things that you would have loved to do, in practice it is impossible. “I want to be a ballet dancer” says the 13 year old girl in the sweetest voice – the reality is “sorry luv, you are way past it! Never going to make it now you are old!”. If you wanted to be a professional ballet dancer, you really...
Wearing great underwear ALL the time gets you laid more
It has always been well known that dressing a certain way is more likely to get you laid. It can make a quite sizable difference to the attention that you get from members of the opposite sex (or even same sex if that is your preference!). A super hot girl in an old baggy jumper 3 sizes too big and a pair of worn dirty jogging bottoms if not going to be as attractive as a mediocre girl wearing heals and a boob tube. How we choose to display our assets is as important as what we start with. It’s as much about how you choose to use what you have as what you actually have in the first place....