What is a fuck buddy? A fuck buddy is someone that you have and enjoy sex with, but there is no emotional or relationship attachment outside of the sex. It is someone you are focused on having sex with. You have a clear agreement that it is, what is known as, a no-strings attached relationship. If it is a friend, then they are also often known as friends with benefits. This can be a life-changing thing for both of you, bringing a lot of fun, happiness and well-being to all involved. There are ways to fuck it up however. With that in mind, here are my top tips for things not to do with a fuck buddy if you want to keep having sex with them without starting to develop unwanted attachments.
Do not cuddle
The intimacy brought on by cuddling develops attachments and feels far more than having sex. Do not do it. If you are someone who loves spooning try and repress that desire, or accept that perhaps you want something more than a fuck buddy.
Do not expect the moon on a stick
Courtship rituals will break the fuck buddy status that you are both enjoying so much. Do not do it, do not expect it either. That includes, but is not limited to: flowers, fancy dinners and expensive gifts or jewellery of any kind.
Do not become overly demanding, clingy or hard work
This is a “friends” with benefits relationship. It is not a relationship. Remember that. Doing anything that suggests that you are demanding or territorial is a real no-no. Do not start leaving a tooth brush in the holder around their house. Be careful about leaving clothes behind. Men like to mark their territory with socks, women often use underwear. Avoid this. If they cancel on you, be relaxed about it.
Do not introduce them to your parents
I mention this only because I know that it has happened in the past. Traditionally you introduce the person that you are marrying to your parents. Do not introduce your fuck buddy to them, unless you are looking for a quick way to end that partnership!
Do not hate on them for chatting to other potential partners
They are your fuck buddy. This is a non-monogamous relationship here. They are allowed to talk to other people with the intention of sleeping with them, just as you are. If they are on tinder, are Facebook friending potential sex partners, or even going on dates with other people, that is acceptable within your agreement. If you are not okay with it, talk to your f-buddy about it. This may mean ending things, but better that than you turn into crazy stalker person. We’ve all met that person and you know you do not want to be that person.
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