Sex before sleep could be the key to a good night’s sleep

When we go to bed most of us have a routine of sorts. Perhaps we have a drink, then head upstairs and change into special clothes that we only wear at night. Often these are fluffy comfortable PJ’s – but for some people it is nothing at all! Whatever it is that suits you. Then maybe you brush your teeth, combe your hair. Finally some people read a book, or check their phone as a last thing before bed. Routine is a key element for many people in the secret on how to have a good night’s sleep, and sleep is a key factor in happiness. What if we were missing a really obvious option though? What if the secret to a good night’s sleep actually lay within our reach – just on the other side of the double bed in the form of our partner and bedfellow?

Sex has proven to improve sleep

There have been countless studies into sleep and sleep habits, but a very recent investigation by sleep researcher Dr Michele Lastella says that sex can improve sleep quality! According to Dr Lastella, the act of having sex before going to sleep can really make a big difference to your ability to have a good night’s rest. The interesting thing is that it is not just about having sex, the quality of the sex makes a difference too!

If you just have sex that helps a bit, but if you orgasm then that makes a really big difference. Satisfaction levels with the sex makes a key difference on whether or not you are going to get he benefit of a good night sleep off the back of the sex that you have just had. Even more interestingly, the other person’s orgasm also counts?!

So if the other person is as satisfied as you are, if you both orgasm, then this is what leads to the best night sleep that you could ever have! If it is just you than that is not as good as if it is both of you. Dr Michele Lastella makes no comment at this point as to why this is, but she is clear that it is the act of both of you having sex and both of you coming that makes the key difference in giving both of you the best night’s sleep that you can get! Crazy right?

So if you are feel like you are not sleeping well, go get laid before dropping off for the night. It’s been proven to work!

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