Sex inspires better sex

The benefits to having sex with someone are endless... and I really mean endless. There are all the physical benefits, stress release, endorphins to make you happy, a healthy body production response, it is almost certainly a great calorie burning work out that will genuinely make you fitter! The list goes on but I’ll stop there.

There are then the self esteem benefits, increased levels of confidence, great sense of self worth, and of course someone there to remind you that you are awesome – because frankly the sheer act of them sleeping with you is one of the greatest expressions that you are massively attractive that someone can give you.

There are of course the social elements as well – often forgotten about when considering getting laid. You double your social circle as you over time gain access to their social group as well as yours. You have someone to be on your arm as you get invited to parties, dinners, family events, oh and especially weddings! There are certain times when being single can really suck, and they are almost exclusively social gatherings.

Then there is learning and growth. Spending time with anyone that you care about in some way can spark growth. If you have some level of rapport then you listen to what they have to say and react to their opinions. This happens on a small level all the time with friends and colleagues. It happens to larger degrees the more you care about someone’s opinion. When you start to have sex with someone, whether you want to or not, you are going to instinctively care about what they think about you, and that is going to spark growth.

Given that the main area you are going to listen to them is about how you are in bed, the most likely area is how you are as a lover. No matter how good you are in bed, becoming a real god of sex is a life long quest, something that takes decades to master. The person you are sleeping with is effectively your muse, the person who inspires you to new levels. You might find yourself increasing your level of sexual sensitivity, gaining new skills to use in the bedroom like better dirty talk or the more physical skills like training in some Shibari. You may find you gain better control over your own body, mastering the ability to “come on command” or maintain pre orgasm state for longer or even as long as you want. As time goes on you will grow as a lover, and the sex will just get better and better.

Sometimes this will be inspired by an unsatisfied lover – there is nothing like pain to motivate us to make change. For the most part you will learn through excitement, through enthusiastic work to master something that you come to love – great sex.

No matter what speed you are growing at right now in your path to sexual mastery, keep at it. Sometimes you will change quickly, other times slowly, but ultimately know that you will change and you will grow. The sex will keep getting better. Keep on walking the path, mighty seeker of the ultimate orgasm.

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