Get your sex life on track

20 Dec 2017 - 20:21 | Tags: sex choices, improving your sex life

No matter where we are at, we are rarely where we want to be. The work life balance doesn’t exist, not really. If you are doing great at work, it is because you are neglecting your social life. If you have a rocking social life which is filled with fun, family and friends? Then your career is probably on hold or non-existent. Are you making loads of money at the moment? Than you are unlikely to have the time to spend that money in a leisurely fashion. You may have the money to travel for months, but you are never going to get the time off work to be able to do it. You get to make a decision about what you prioritise, if you don’t make the decision it will be made for you, so you may as well decide on what you want! So with that in mind, it is time to get your sex life on track for the coming year.

First evaluate where you are at

We have to first know where we are currently. How is your sex life? If it is great, then stop reading right now and go get laid! If it is not, where are you at? Do you have any friends with benefits? When was the last time you hooked up or had sex? Are you having the kind of se you want or is it unsatisfactory?

Second decide where you want to be

You cannot travel to somewhere if you do not know where it is. The only way to get something, is to first know what it is that you actually want. So what is it that you want? Do you want to be having more sex? Do you want a different kind of sex? Do you just want more partners? Perhaps you have always wanted a threesome or another type of experience. Decide it now.

Third – what do you have to do to get it

Now you know what you want, how do you get there? Most people can get what they want, but most are not willing to pay the price, and there is always a cost. So what do you need to do? Do you need to send more messages to more women? Do you need to change something about yourself such as to get a little fitter, or alter your work so you have more money? Do you need to quit your job and go traveling?

Pay the costs

Whatever it is, all you have to do now is pay the cost, and the desire is yours for the taking. It really is as simple as that.

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