We all have certain preferences when it comes to having sex with people. Maybe that is how we like to have sex, fast or slow, hard or soft. For some people it is what is needed to turn them on, some people like to be tied up, other people like to be punished, others like none of that and want something extremely vanilla and anything kinky is actually a huge turn off. Some people like it roughm, some people like it soft, most (but not all) people enjoy either being taken/taking someone... what ever it is you like there is a strong argument that one of your life missions is to find that person that balances you. I make no exaggeration here. Your life mission.
First accept that happiness is linked to sex
There are many things that we need in life to make us happy.
- Good food
- A roof over our head (that preferably we like)
- Warmth
- The resources to sustain our life (usually money)
- A mission (often this will be a combination of a job and something else – but not 100% of the time).
- A compatible sexual partner
Look at the list above. Sex is on that list right next to food. It is a basic necessity of a happy life. Yes we can survive without it, but can we be truly happy without that sexual partnership? The answer is no, we cannot.
Second realise that you must actively pursue it
If you want money you have to work for it. If you want a job you have to find it. If you want to achieve anything you have to make it happen for yourself. Why would sex be any different? If you want to have a great sex life, you have top actively pursue it. Recognise that you want it. Then go and get it.
Third – realise that finding your perfect partner is a win win
Spending your time trying to hunt down the perfect sexual partner can feel a little predatory and hunter like. Put this aside with the following unfderstanding. If you find your perfect fuck buddy, your ying to a yang, then they also get to have their perfect fuck. They get to have you. To them you are the dream that they have been looking for all their lives! You not only give yourself the greatest gift, you are giving them the same.
Seek your perfect fuck, and never stop till you find it.
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