Why is being called a slut a bad thing?

12 Sep 2013 - 09:00 | Tags: slut not a bad thing




How many women have had to live with these ridiculous labels intended to cause harm and offense? Millions if not billions we’d wager. Why do men and women seem intent to call any woman who openly enjoys their sexuality a slapper or a slut? It’s the unfortunate result of age old social conditioning whereby we’re all tricked to believe that any bloke who sleeps about is treated as a hero but any woman who sleeps about is treated as a pariah.

But being a slapper or a slut or a slag is not a bad thing.

Reasons why people call you a slut & why you should not ignore them

1. You seek out casual sex and one night stands
Sex is sex. It’s a basic human need and we all...well…need it. Just because you’re not in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself. In fact seeking out a one night stand or casual sex is actually healthier then not having any at all.

2. You don’t give out your phone number to any guy that asks for it
This isn’t slutty. At all. This is you protecting your personal life. Why on earth would you want to give out your personal number to anyone who asks for it?

3. You invent justifications for having sex right away
This is slutty, but you don’t need to justify having sex right away. If you like sex why on earth would you want to hide that fact?

4. You have trouble remembering every guy you’ve slept with
This isn’t slutty. This is cool. This means you’re very comfortable with your sexuality and that not every guy you sleep with is going to rock your world. The guys who call you a slapper or a slut will remember pretty much every woman they sleep with and have a tally chart. You don’t need one. They’re the ones to be pitied not you.

5. You have a constant supply of condoms
How the fuck does this make any woman a slut? This makes every woman who has a supply of condoms on hand very trustworthy. It means she likes sex and takes the proper precautions. It’s the women who don’t have any condoms you need to watch out for!

Not a slapper or a slut
The simple truth is, women have more control over their sexuality then guys do. The reason many guys call women sluts or slags is because they don’t like the idea of not having any control. That’s all it is. So ladies, fuck the sad dicks who are more interested in being small and pathetic and go for the big dicks who understand that sex is actually a joy and something to be celebrated.

Happy fucking!

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