Quite often you message a lot of people hoping to get a reply, and the next time you look in your inbox you find it’s still empty. Why is no one responding to you? It could be a number of things. They could be busy and just haven’t had time to read your message yet. It could be their message box is full and they can’t receive anymore messages. It could be that you send the exact same messages to different people. Whatever the reason, here are a few ways to boost your chances of getting a response to your messages.
People (women especially) receive the same old tired and boring opening messages from prospective f-buddies. Everyone is tired of reading about how gorgeous they are or how sexy they are or getting ‘liked’ or ‘winked’ at. Be a little more creative with your messaging and you might find you get more responses. Noting something about someone’s profile and then writing about it in a message is a start. Don’t just say ‘Hi’ or ‘U R SEXY!’
Half of finding a good f-buddy is mindset. If you have low self-esteem when you start looking, it may sink even lower. People can smell when someone’s not feeling confident even in a message. Lack of confidence is not attractive. Men and women are both attracted to confidence in general. Someone who is not naturally confident will struggle here. So if you’re not naturally confident – pretend that you are when you’re messaging! The more you pretend the more you project a confident air. One day you realise it is no longer an air. It’s real.
You don’t message people with the intent of acting like an arrogant dick. You message people wanting to show them that you are a charming and attractive person. Being a cock will not get you a f-buddy – or if it does, they won’t stick around for long.
Often confused with ‘be mysterious’. Women aren’t after mysterious men. They’re after interesting men who are endearing. Endearing means you’re fun, attractive and generally good to be around.
If someone doesn’t want to have sex on a first date, that’s okay. Believe it or not most people want to get to know someone even a little before they hop into bed with them. Be gracious if your potential f-buddy doesn’t want to have sex the first time you meet.
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