Over in the UK we’ve been talking about the top mistakes people (mostly guys) make when sending someone a message for the first time. We’re letting the blokes in blighty ponder our sage advice for a while. Whilst they’re doing that, we thought we’d dispense some similar advice to the studs in Oz. Having trouble getting a girl to message you back? Wondering why, even though you’re sending hundreds – if not thousands of messages – no one is responding? Sit back and listen up hot shot. You’re about to get your mind opened and filled with advice on just how to chat up a date online.
1. Special Subject
A lot of guys open with ‘Hi’ or ‘Hey babe’. Unsurprisingly these rarely get a response. Try opening with a specialist subject. Have you read their profile? Try thinking of something to say that shows you have something in common with them. Think beyond your comfort zone. Make her want to message you back.
2. Humour
You don’t have to be Jim Jefferies to get a girl to laugh. Try injecting a little humour into your messages. If you seem calm and relaxed in this, you’re more likely to get a reply. Don’t be mean, but you can gently make a joke about something someone has written on their profile. This often elicits a laugh and is more likely to get you a response.
3. Keep it short and snappy
Be to the point. I can’t stress this enough. If you spend ages thinking of a long rambling message to send, you’ve spent too much time on thinking about it. Just look at the profile, think of what you’d like to say, and say it in the shortest amount of words possible. Just don’t resort to ‘Hi Babe’.
4. Focus on quality
Again, you need to be thinking about the content you’re sending. You hate having spam in your mailbox, so don’t send spam to someone you’ve never met (and more importantly want to meet). Think about what you want to say and tailor it to each person you want to talk to.
5. Re-Read what you wrote
Before you hit the magic ‘send’ button, have a look at what you’ve written first. Like all writing it’s good to give your draft a once over before thinking it’s genius prose. Guess what? It most likely isn’t. So check your ego at the door and re-read your messages before you send them.
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