We’ve talked about sexting before on this blog so now we want to talk about dirty texting and how to do it. There are still many opinions on the net as to what the exact differences between sexting and dirty texting are. Put simply, dirty texting is a way of creating arousal in a fuck buddy before you even meet. If you can give your f-buddy an orgasm before you’ve even met them, then they will automatically associate that pleasure with you. This creates a level of attraction that will blow your mind…as well as other things.
What is a dirty text?
Before we begin listing examples it is really important to highlight one key point: everyone is different so you will have to adapt your dirty texts by reading and listening to the texts you get back from your potential fuck buddy. Some call the initial messaging ‘Priming the Pump’. When you first start texting a potential f-buddy this is a good opportunity to gauge what kind of sex language they respond well to. Some people call it ‘foresext’.
Let’s look at a few examples to help illustrate this point;
Girl Texts
“I love the missionary position, it just feels so good”
This is what we call ‘positive sex talk’ and it gives you an idea of how to respond. An example would be
Guy responds
“I know what you mean, but don’t you think it feels even better when you build up to it slowly? Personally I would start by running my hands just above the surface of the skin on your neck from behind…”
From here on it is important for the guy to break his response down into short texts. This provides anticipation in the woman and works to show that the guy isn’t going to blow his load right away. For example;
“…before sliding them down your arms whilst biting your neck gently…”
“…as I reach your thighs I’ll push you down slowly onto your back as I move my mouth over the skin on your chest…”
“…kissing the area around your nipples…”
“…before moving further down towards your stomach…”
“…I then hover for a second over your pussy…”
“…before closing my mouth around the skin on your inner thighs, licking and kissing them as my hands continue to caress your nipples moving between them and the area around your belly button…”
“…then slowly as I feel your heart beat getting faster, I part your legs…”
“…and gently use my tongue to tease your pussy…”
“…all the while stroking your chest and the skin around your belly button…”
“…as I lick and nibble at your clit…”
“…then when you can’t stand it anymore…”
“…I straighten up…”
“…pull you firmly towards me by your legs…”
“…and thrust myself slowly into you…”
“…all the while kissing your neck…”
“…pausing between thrusts to chew gently on your nipples…”
“…as your breath gets louder, I slide in deeper…”
“…timing my thrusts with your heart beat…”
Can you see how quickly you can elevate the texting to dirty texting from one simple opening? The most important thing the guy has done is to listen to the woman’s text – she says she likes the missionary position – and responded accordingly. She has already made it clear that she wants to talk about sex. All the guy has done is elevate the texting to dirty texting, describing how he would fuck her in the missionary position. He has created a whole story over what he would do to her using his imagination.
The brain is the most powerful sexual organ we have and it can be used to tease a fuck buddy and have them associate the pleasure of an orgasm with you.
The woman might respond like this:
“I want you to fuck me now.”
If this happens then a good way to respond would be:
“Not yet. I want to play with you a bit more first.”
This kind of response has the potential to drive the woman completely wild and if she hasn’t already gotten herself off, you can be guaranteed she’ll be working hard on it as you text.
This method of texting means that when the two eventually meet up, they have already associated the pleasure of sex with each other. It removes any nervousness that might have occurred without the dirty texting and ensures that both parties will have amazing sex.
Their minds are already prepped because of the dirty texting
Different People, Different Texts
People have often asked us if it’s okay to text things like;
“I’m going to shove my dick into you so far you’ll feel it in your stomach”
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll never want another dick inside you again.”
Is there a time, and a place for these types of dirty texts? Yes, but we would recommend not to start your dirty texting with them. You need to gauge a person’s response to your initial foresexting before you can determine how far you can go. Everyone is different and will react and respond differently to the same text message.
Remember this and have fun!
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