Is Casual Sex Overrated?

22 May 2013 - 19:22 | Tags: casual sex, casual sex overrated

We’ve talked about the pros and cons of engaging in casual sex, but the one thing we noticed that is rarely discussed is whether or not casual sex is overrated?

Fuck Buddy?....meh…
You often hear casual sex being dismissed off hand by many. Whilst we are the first to defend casual relationships, we are also smart enough to study both sides of the coin in order to gain a broad perspective.

So is casual sex overrated?

Yes and no. Like all things sexual, it depends entirely on context. Say for example a guy meets up for a woman on a date. They have a few drinks and end up sleeping together the same night. In the morning or sometimes just after sex, they both walk away from the experience a little disappointed. Is this because they had sex without really knowing each other? Possibly.

However let’s see what happens if we rephrase the question slightly.

Is the reason they walk away from the experience disappointed because they don’t know each other very well or because they weren’t honest with each other about what they wanted from the start?

Not to play devil’s advocate here, but it’s more likely that you walked away from a disappointing sexual encounter simply because you went in with a different expectation from that of the person you slept with. It sounds so simple, but being honest right from the outset can save a lot of time and effort that is otherwise wasted.

One of the reasons casual sex is given a bad rap is because of the context in which many people have it. Sex like any experience, can be bad if you approach it in the wrong way. Hopping into bed with someone to make yourself feel better when you’re not feeling great in the first place is a recipe for bad sex. Hopping into bed with someone because you’re both horny and want the same thing is a recipe for amazing sex!

Study the stories of couples in long term relationships talking about their sex lives and you’ll often find that the ones having the most fun are the ones that are already happy with themselves. Being happy with yourself and what you want will always guarantee that you have a great time in whatever you do. The couple who complain about bad sex are the ones that aren’t happy in their relationship. It has nothing to do with the sex itself, but their perception of it and/or external emotional problems they are trying to resolve or extract themselves from.

Go at it from the same level
As long as you both enter a casual sex arrangement from the same level, then you will both end up having great sex 9 times out of 10. Great sex comes from a self confidence and ability to relax and enjoy yourself.
So rather than saying casual sex is overrated, it is more accurate to say that all sex can be overrated if both parties are coming from it from different levels. Equally all sex can be great. Be honest from the outset about what you want.

Approach sex equally and you’ll both enjoy it a lot more.

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